I. BASIC INSTALLATION Let ViewVC use the viewsvn templates folder as templates. You can either delete the original templates folder in the ViewVC installation directory and copy the one from this archive to the ViewVC installation directory or copy the templates folder from this archive with a different name to the ViewVC installation directory and change the template_dir option in viewvc.conf template_dir = templates-viewsvn Leave the section [templates] as is, thus do not override any templates. II. TWEAKS 1. Set your own favicon Modify include/header.ezt, line 9, to include your favicon. 2. Let your own logo appear in the upper right area and link to your homepage. Modify include/header.ezt, line 78, to include your link and logo. 3. Enable TortoiseSVN checkout links. If you are certain that most of your guest use TortoiseSVN you can give them the ability to use TortoiseSVN checkout links (see http://tortoisesvn.net/docs/release/TortoiseSVN_en/tsvn-repository-links.html). This wil only work if all your repositories share the same base location, e.g. http://svn.server/svn/. This is mostly the case if you are using the mod_dav_svn SVNParentPath directive. Modify include/dir_footer.ezt, line 44. Enable this section and configure your subversion location. III. EXTRAS 1. fix-blame-output.diff If you are running ViewVC 1.0 and you are suffering from a broken blame/annotate output because of long author names you can apply this patch. Note that Subversion 1.3.1 or higher is required. 2. svnindex.xsl & svnindex.css If you are using mod_dav_svn to host your repository you can teach it to use a stylesheet if you are browsing the repository directly. Take a look at the SVNIndexXSLT directive for more information. You can use the .xsl and .css from the extras folder to get a look & feel that is similiar to this ViewVC template. Note that these stylesheets knows nothing about ViewVC. You have to teach svnindex.xsl where the [docroot] folder exists. If it is /docroot you have to change nothing, otherwise edit line 68, 82 and 97. IV. EXAMPLE VIEWVC.CONF The following viewvc.conf setting were used to create the templates, do not copy these blindly, just check them if something seems wrong: [general] root_parents = [REPOSPATH] : svn use_rcsparse = 0 mime_types_file = [PATHTO]\mime.types address = Admin forbidden = kv_files = languages = en-us [options] root_as_url_component = 0 default_file_view = log checkout_magic = 0 http_expiration_time = 600 generate_etags = 1 sort_by = file sort_group_dirs = 1 hide_attic = 1 log_sort = date diff_format = h hide_cvsroot = 1 hr_breakable = 1 hr_funout = 0 hr_ignore_white = 1 hr_ignore_keyword_subst = 1 hr_intraline = 0 allow_annotate = 1 allow_markup = 1 allow_compress = 1 template_dir = templates-viewsvn docroot = [PATHTO]/docroot show_subdir_lastmod = 0 show_logs = 1 show_log_in_markup = 1 cross_copies = 0 use_localtime = 1 py2html_path = . short_log_len = 80 use_enscript = 0 enscript_path = use_highlight = 1 highlight_path = [PATH] highlight_line_numbers = 1 highlight_convert_tabs = 2 use_php = 0 php_exe_path = php allow_tar = 0 use_cvsgraph = 0 cvsgraph_path = cvsgraph_conf = cvsgraph.conf use_re_search = 0 use_pagesize = 200 limit_changes = 100 [templates] [cvsdb] enabled = 1 host = localhost port = 3306 database_name = ViewVC user = [UID] passwd = [PWD] readonly_user = [UID] readonly_passwd = [PWD] #row_limit = 1000 [vhosts]