[# setup page definitions] [define page_title]Query results on /[where][end] [define help_href][docroot]/help_rootview.html[end] [# end] [include "include/header.ezt"]


[# ] [if-any row_limit_reached]

WARNING: These query results have been artificially limited by an administrative threshold value and do not represent the entirety of the data set which matches the query. Consider modifying your query to be more specific, using your version control tool's query capabilities, or asking your administrator to raise the database response size threshold.


Modify query

Show commands which could be used to back out these changes

+[plus_count]/-[minus_count] lines changed.

[if-any commits] [if-any show_branch] [end] [# uncommment, if you want a separate Description column: (also see below) ] [for commits] [for commits.files] [if-any show_branch] [end] [end] [if-any commits.limited_files] [end] [end]
Revision FileBranch+/- Date AuthorDescription
[define rev_href][if-any commits.files.prefer_markup][commits.files.view_href][else][if-any commits.files.download_href][commits.files.download_href][end][end][end] [if-any commits.files.rev][if-any rev_href][end][commits.files.rev][if-any rev_href][end][else] [end] [commits.files.dir]/ [commits.files.file] [if-any commits.files.branch][commits.files.branch][else] [end] [# only show a diff link for changes ] [is commits.files.type "Add"][end] [is commits.files.type "Change"][end] [is commits.files.type "Remove"][end] [commits.files.plus]/[commits.files.minus] [is commits.files.type "Add"][end] [is commits.files.type "Change"][end] [is commits.files.type "Remove"][end] [if-any commits.files.date][commits.files.date][else] [end] [if-any commits.files.author][commits.files.author][else] [end]
  Only first [commits.num_files] files shown. Show all files or adjust limit.
[end] [include "include/footer.ezt"]