<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %> <%@ page import="pub.utils.*" %> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tairtags.tld" prefix="tair" %> <% pub.beans.StatisticsBean statsBean = (pub.beans.StatisticsBean) request.getAttribute("statsBean"); %>

Welcome to Brucella Literature Curation Tool

The Brucella Literature Curation Tool is a literature curation management system designed to store, manually curate, and manage Brucella-related literature publications. It provides biology data curators with a powerful literature search capability, stores relevant Brucella literature curation data, creates automatic associations between the biological information and the literature, and provides a user-friendly web interface for manual validation and curation. The Brucella Literature Curation Tool is based on PubSearch, one of the free Generic Model Organism Database (GMOD) toolkits that is powered by a MySQL relational database for the back-end, and Java Servlet and Java Server Pages for the API and front-end applications.

Database Statistics

<%= statsBean.getCountArticles() %> articles
<%= statsBean.getCountGenes() %> genes
<%= statsBean.getCountTerms() %> terms (<%= statsBean.getCountTemporaryTerms() %> <%= HTMLUtils.aHrefWithBasePath(request, "/Search?middle_page=terms_exp&submit=submit&is_temp=yes&is_obsolete=no") %>temporary)
<%= statsBean.getCountAnnotations() %> annotations


Log file generated at: <%= pub.utils.PubProperties.getLogPathname() %>