<%@ page import="javax.servlet.*" %> <%@ page import="java.util.*,pub.utils.*, pub.beans.*, pub.db.* "%> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tairtags.tld" prefix="tair" %> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/input.tld" prefix="input"%> <%-- Header --%>

<% String this_choice=""; String db_name = null; String db_accession = null; String specific_type = "genomic" ; String gene_id = null ; String sequence_type = "Nucleotide" ; String gene_name =""; String gi = null; Hashtable trueOrFalse = (Hashtable) request.getAttribute("trueOrFalse"); Hashtable dbNames = (Hashtable) request.getAttribute("dbNameSelections"); Hashtable types = (Hashtable) request.getAttribute("typeSelections"); // a flag showing where this jsp page called from boolean fromUpdateGene = false; // a flag show this sequence is user_defined or not boolean userDefined = false ; if((String)(request.getAttribute("fromUpdateGene"))!=null ){ String from = (String)(request.getAttribute("fromUpdateGene")); if(from.equals("true")){ fromUpdateGene= true; } } if((String)(request.getAttribute("userDefined"))!=null ){ String from = (String)(request.getAttribute("userDefined")); if(from.equals("true")){ userDefined = true; } } if ( (String)(request.getAttribute("sequenceType"))!=null ){ sequence_type =(String)(request.getAttribute("sequenceType")); } if ( (String)(request.getAttribute("specificType"))!=null ){ specific_type =(String)(request.getAttribute("specificType")); } if ( (String)(request.getAttribute("dbName"))!=null ){ db_name = (String)(request.getAttribute("dbName")); } if ( (String)(request.getAttribute("dbAccession"))!=null ){ db_accession =(String)(request.getAttribute("dbAccession")); } if ( request.getParameter("gene_id") != null){ gene_id = request.getParameter("gene_id"); } if ( request.getAttribute("geneName") != null){ gene_name = (String)request.getAttribute("geneName"); } if ( request.getAttribute("genbank_gi") != null){ gi = (String)request.getAttribute("genbank_gi"); } %> <%-- branch 1 add regular sequence from gene page --%> <% if (fromUpdateGene == true && userDefined == false ){ %>

This Sequence doesn't exist in Sequence table <% if( specific_type != null ){ %>
Sequence Type: <%= specific_type %> <% } %> <% if ( db_name != null ){ %>
DB Name: <%= db_name %> <% } %> <% if (db_accession != null ){ %>
DB Accession: <%= db_accession %> <% } %>

Fill this form if you want to add it
Or click HERE to go back

<%-- branch 2 add user defined sequence (a sequence not attributed to an organization, lacking db_name and db_accession) from gene page. --%> <% } else if ( fromUpdateGene == true && userDefined == true ) { db_name="Other"; %> <%-- branch 3 --%> <% }else{ %> <% } %> > > > > > <% if (sequence_type.equals("Nucleotide") ){ %> <% } %> > > > >

Add New Sequence

( fields marked with * are required)
Sequence type <% if ( fromUpdateGene == true && userDefined == true ) { %> <% } %>
please check the right type here
Name   value = "<%= gene_name %>" <% } %>
* DB Name
" />   * DB Accession value="<%= db_accession %>"> <% }else{ %> value="" <% } %>   * GenBank Gi value="<%= gi %>" <% }else{ %> value="" <% } %> >
* Sequence Class * sequence is full length
Community Id
    Organization     * Species Variant Id  
<%-- Footer --%>