<%-- Displays a list of the annotation associated with this subject term in a nice table form. Required parameters AnnotationsFragment requires one of the following parameters subject_term_id: the term_id of the subject. object_term_id: the term_id of the object. Example calls to AnnotationsFragmentWithPropagate: AnnotationsFragment.jsp?subject_term_id=63850 --%> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tairtags.tld" prefix="tair" %>
How to use propagate : Input gene_name in name input box and click "search", click "use .." in the search result page, and then click "propagate".
<%= annotation.getSubjectTermName() %> <%= annotation.getRelationshipType() %> <%= annotation.getObjectTermName() %> (<%-- --%><%= object_term.getExternalId() %><%-- --%>) by <%= annotation.getEvidenceCode() %> : <%= annotation.getEvidenceDescription() %>
<% if( pub_ref.isEmpty().equals("y")){ %> No Reference <% }else{ %> Evidence from <%= pub_ref.getTitle() %> <% } %> <% if (annotation.getEvidenceWith() != null && annotation.getEvidenceWith().length() > 0 && !annotation.getEvidenceWith().equalsIgnoreCase("\\NULL")) { %> (Evidence with: <%= annotation.getEvidenceWith() %> ) <% } %>
annotated by/date: <%= user.getName() %>/<%= annotation.getDateAnnotated() %>
<% String form_name = "propagate_form_"+ annotation.getId(); %>