<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tairtags.tld" prefix="tair" %> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %> <% pub.beans.ArticleBean article = (pub.beans.ArticleBean) request.getAttribute("article"); %> Article [ <%= article.getArticle_id() %> ] <%-- We'll be putting the "header" information of an article in Bold. --%> <%-- Display year --%> (<%= article.getYear() %>) <%-- Article type --%> [<%= article.getArticle_type() %>] <%-- Display title --%> ><%= article.getTitle() %>   <%-- If obsolete, show big red warning --%> <% if (article.isObsolete()) { %> (OBSOLETE) <% } %> <%-- Display a link to the PDF if we have one --%> <% if (! article.hasPdfLink()) {} else { %> (PDF) <% } %>
<%-- Display the Publication source --%> <%= article.getPub_source_name() %> <%-- Display authors --%>
<%= article.getAuthors() %> <%-- Display a link to the outside TAIR reference if we have one. --%> <% if ("".equals(article.getTair_reference_id())) {} else { %>
( >TAIR Reference:<%= article.getTair_reference_id() %>) <% } %>

<%-- The article abstract comes next --%>
<%= article.getArticle_abstract() %>
<%-- Display associated terms --%> Other associated terms:
<% if (article.getRelatedArticleBeans().size() > 0) { %> Other associated articles: <%= relatedArticle.getTitle() %> / <% } %>