<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tairtags.tld" prefix="tair" %> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic"%> " scope="request"/> Gene [ <%= gene.getId() %> ] <%= gene.getName() %> <%-- If our parent window is asking for a selection, add a button callback to it. --%> <%-- If obsolete, show big red warning --%> <% if (gene.isObsolete()) { %> (OBSOLETE <%-- If replaced, grab a link to the replaced_by gene --%> <% if (gene.isReplaced()) { %> and replaced by <%= gene.getReplacedByBean().getName() %> <% } %>) <% } %> <% if (gene.getAliasNames().size() > 0) { %> (aka <%= pub.utils.StringUtils.join("/", gene.getAliasNames()) %>) <% } %> <%-- If temporary, show big red warning --%> <% if (gene.isTemporary()) { %> (TEMP) <% } %>
<%= gene.getSummary() %> <% if (!gene.getLocusBean().isNull()) { %> Associated to Locus <%= gene.getLocusBean().getName() %> . <% } %> <% if (gene.getHitIds().size() > 0) { %> <%= gene.getHitIds().size() %> &accs=<%= pub.utils.StringUtils.join (",", pub.utils.ListUtils.mapPrefix("hit:", gene.getHitIds())) %>"> hits. <% } %> <% if (gene.getAnnotationIds().size() > 0) { %>


<% } %> [annotate <%=gene.getName()%>]