<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tairtags.tld" prefix="tair" %> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic"%> <% pub.beans.HitBean hitBean = (pub.beans.HitBean) request.getAttribute("hitBean"); %> Hit [ <%= hitBean.getId() %> ] between <%= hitBean.getTerm_name() %> and (<%= hitBean.getArticleBean().getYear() %>) <%= hitBean.getArticle_title() %> <%-- Add more information here (author, year, pubsource) and linkout to tair. also use different colors --%> <%-- Display a link to the PDF if we have one --%> <% if (! hitBean.getArticleBean().hasPdfLink()) {} else { %> (PDF) <% } %>
<%= hitBean.getArticleBean().getAuthors() %>
<%= hitBean.getArticle_abstract() %>

<%-- Display associated terms --%> Other associated terms: