@extends( 'layouts.master' ) @section( 'content' )

You must have an registered account and log in to submit vaccine data or subscribe our Email alert service.

{!! csrf_field() !!}

Please log in by entering your registered email address and password.
If you do not have a registered account, please go to registration page.

After you log in, you will be given access to various features. These include: 1) changing your profile, 2) changing your password, 3) setting up an Email Alert system, 4) curating and submitting vaccine data through a web-based vaccine data submission system, and 5) if is proved, reviewing submitted vaccine data through a web-based vaccine data review system.


Please log in

Email: @if ( $errors->has( 'email' ) ) {{ $errors->first( 'email' ) }} @endif
Password: @if ($errors->has('password')) {{ $errors->first('password') }} @endif
Remember Me?
Register an account
Forgot password?