@extends( 'layouts.master' ) @section( 'script' ) @parent @endsection @section( 'style' ) @parent @endsection @section( 'content' )

Report Adverse Event Online

Step 2 of 3: Vaccine Administrative Information

Vaccine Administration #{{ $adminIndex + 1 }}

{!! csrf_field() !!}
Vaccines (required at least one)
@if( !empty( old( "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine" ) ) ) @foreach( old( "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine" ) as $vaccineIndex => $vaccine ) @endforeach @elseif( !is_null( $admin->vaccine[0]->iri ) ) @foreach( $admin->vaccine as $vaccineIndex => $vaccine ) @endforeach @endif
@include( 'includes.form.select', [ 'label' => '', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][vaccine][manufacturer][]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.manufacturer", 'sessionValue' => null, 'defaultLabel' => '', 'options' => [], ] ) @include( 'includes.form.text', [ 'label' => '', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][vaccine][lot_number][]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.lot_number", 'sessionValue' => null, ] ) @include( 'includes.form.select', [ 'label' => '', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][vaccine][route][]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.route", 'sessionValue' => null, 'defaultLabel' => '', 'options' => ['ID'=>'Intradermal - ID', 'IJ'=>'Shot/Injection - IJ', 'IM'=>'Intramuscular - IM', 'IN'=>'Intranasal - IN', 'PO'=>'Per Oral - PO', 'SC'=>'Subcutaneous - SC/SQ'], ] ) @include( 'includes.form.select', [ 'label' => '', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][vaccine][site][]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.site", 'sessionValue' => null, 'defaultLabel' => '', 'options' => ['arm'=>'arm', 'right_arm'=>'right arm', 'left_arm'=>'left arm', 'leg'=>'leg', 'right_leg'=>'right leg', 'left_leg'=>'left leg', 'nose'=>'nose', 'buttocks'=>'buttocks'], ] ) @include( 'includes.form.select', [ 'label' => '', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][vaccine][previous_dose][]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.previous_dose", 'sessionValue' => null, 'defaultLabel' => '', 'options' => ['1'=>'1', '2'=>'2', '3'=>'3', '4'=>'4', '5'=>'5'], ] ) @if ( $errors->has( "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.label" ) ) {{ $errors->first( "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.label" ) }} @endif @if ( $errors->has( "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.iri" ) ) {{ $errors->first( "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.iri" ) }} @endif
@include( 'includes.form.select', [ 'label' => '', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][vaccine][manufacturer][]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.manufacturer", 'sessionValue' => $vaccine->manufacturer, 'defaultLabel' => '', 'options' => [], ] ) @include( 'includes.form.text', [ 'label' => '', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][vaccine][lot_number][]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.lot_number", 'sessionValue' => $vaccine->lot_number, ] ) @include( 'includes.form.select', [ 'label' => '', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][vaccine][route][]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.route", 'sessionValue' => $vaccine->route, 'defaultLabel' => '', 'options' => ['ID'=>'Intradermal - ID', 'IJ'=>'Shot/Injection - IJ', 'IM'=>'Intramuscular - IM', 'IN'=>'Intranasal - IN', 'PO'=>'Per Oral - PO', 'SC'=>'Subcutaneous - SC/SQ'], ] ) @include( 'includes.form.select', [ 'label' => '', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][vaccine][site][]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.site", 'sessionValue' => $vaccine->site, 'defaultLabel' => '', 'options' => ['arm'=>'arm', 'right_arm'=>'right arm', 'left_arm'=>'left arm', 'leg'=>'leg', 'right_leg'=>'right leg', 'left_leg'=>'left leg', 'nose'=>'nose', 'buttocks'=>'buttocks'], ] ) @include( 'includes.form.select', [ 'label' => '', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][vaccine][previous_dose][]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.previous_dose", 'sessionValue' => $vaccine->previous_dose, 'defaultLabel' => '', 'options' => ['1'=>'1', '2'=>'2', '3'=>'3', '4'=>'4', '5'=>'5'], ] ) @if ( $errors->has( "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.label" ) ) {{ $errors->first( "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.label" ) }} @endif @if ( $errors->has( "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.iri" ) ) {{ $errors->first( "admin.$adminIndex.vaccine.$vaccineIndex.iri" ) }} @endif

@if ( $errors->has( "admin.$adminIndex.date" ) ) {{ $errors->first( "admin.$adminIndex.date" ) }} @endif @include( 'includes.form.text', [ 'label' => 'Time Vaccine Administered (eg. AM, 6:15 PM):', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][time]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.time", 'sessionValue' => $admin->time, ] )
@include( 'includes.form.select', [ 'label' => 'Vaccinated At:', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][location]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.location", 'sessionValue' => $admin->location, 'defaultLabel' => 'Choose One', 'options' => [ 'private_doctor' => 'Private doctor\'s office/hospital', 'public_doctor' => 'Public health clinic/hospital', 'military_doctor' => 'Military clinic/hospital', 'other' => 'Other/unknown', ], ] )
@include( 'includes.form.select', [ 'label' => 'Vaccine Purchased With:', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][purchase]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.purchase", 'sessionValue' => $admin->purchase, 'defaultLabel' => 'Choose One', 'options' => [ 'private_funds' => 'Private funds', 'public_funds' => 'Public funds', 'military_funds' => 'Military funds', 'other' => 'Other/unknown', ], ] )
@include( 'includes.form.textbox', [ 'label' => 'Any Illnesses at Time of Vaccination?:', 'rows' => '4', 'cols' => '80', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][illness]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.illness", 'sessionValue' => $admin->illness, ] )
@include( 'includes.form.textbox', [ 'label' => 'Pre-existing Physician-Diagnosed Allergies, Birth Defects, Medical Conditions at Time of Vaccination:', 'rows' => '4', 'cols' => '80', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][previous_illness]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.previous_illness", 'sessionValue' => $admin->previous_illness, ] )
Vaccine Administrator @include( 'includes.form.text', [ 'label' => 'First Name:', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][admin_first_name]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.admin_first_name", 'sessionValue' => $admin->admin_first_name, ] ) @include( 'includes.form.text', [ 'label' => 'Last Name:', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][admin_last_name]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.admin_last_name", 'sessionValue' => $admin->admin_last_name, ] ) @include( 'includes.form.text', [ 'label' => 'MI:', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][admin_middle_name]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.admin_middle_name", 'sessionValue' => $admin->admin_middle_name, ] )

Responsible Physician @include( 'includes.form.text', [ 'label' => 'First Name:', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][physician_first_name]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.physician_first_name", 'sessionValue' => $admin->physician_first_name, ] ) @include( 'includes.form.text', [ 'label' => 'Last Name:', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][physician_last_name]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.physician_last_name", 'sessionValue' => $admin->physician_last_name, ] ) @include( 'includes.form.text', [ 'label' => 'MI:', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][physician_middle_name]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.physician_middle_name", 'sessionValue' => $admin->physician_middle_name, ] )

Facility @include( 'includes.form.text', [ 'label' => 'Facility Name:', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][facility_name]", 'size' => '50', 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.facility_name", 'sessionValue' => $admin->facility_name, ] ) @include( 'includes.form.text', [ 'label' => 'Address:', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][facility_address_1]", 'size' => '100', 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.facility_address_1", 'sessionValue' => $admin->facility_address_1, ] ) @include( 'includes.form.text', [ 'label' => 'Address 2:', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][facility_address_2]", 'size' => '100', 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.facility_address_2", 'sessionValue' => $admin->facility_address_2, ] ) @include( 'includes.form.text', [ 'label' => 'City:', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][facility_city]", 'size' => '75', 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.facility_city", 'sessionValue' => $admin->facility_city, ] ) @include( 'includes.form.select', [ 'label' => 'County Where Vaccine Was Administered:', 'class' => 'country', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][facility_country]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.facility_country", 'sessionValue' => $admin->facility_country, 'defaultLabel' => 'Choose a Country', 'options' => ['US' => 'United State', 'CN' => 'China', 'TW' => 'Taiwan'], ] ) {{ $oldCountry = old( "admin.$adminIndex.facility_country" ) }} @include( 'includes.form.select' , [ 'label' => 'State Where Vaccine Was Administered:', 'class' => 'state', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][facility_state]", 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.facility_state", 'sessionValue' => $admin->facility_state, 'defaultLabel' => 'Choose a State', 'options' => $stateOptions, ] ) @include( 'includes.form.text', [ 'label' => 'Postal Code:', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][facility_zip]", 'size' => '10', 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.facility_zip", 'sessionValue' => $admin->facility_zip, ] ) @include( 'includes.form.text', [ 'label' => 'Phone:', 'name' => "admin[$adminIndex][facility_phone]", 'size' => '10', 'oldName' => "admin.$adminIndex.facility_phone", 'sessionValue' => $admin->facility_phone, ] )
