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Sino-Micro Symposium 2012 San Francisco Briefing

The meeting was held in the Clipper Ship Room of Chancellor Hotel, San Francisco, on June 15-16, 2012. The president, Shi, Wenyuan (施文元) and the board member, Tang, Yi-Wei (汤一苇) hosted the meeting.
The member attendants are (A-Z): 
范辉宙,郭晓奎,何勇群,雷本舫,林军,祁凤霞,施文元,汤一苇,王华,奚传武,徐浩,姚玉峰,杨晓峰,  张启敬,周集中,  朱军,曾明涛,  邱晓云 .  (total of 18)
The guest members are 吴俊忠(台湾微生物学会理事长),陈宜民(台湾國立陽明大學),贝为成(华中农大教授), 张舒林(上海交大),南北焱(UC Berkley),李锦全(Montana State University),杨兴洪(Montana State University).  (total of 7)
The Business Meeting was held in the evening of June 15 after the buffet dinner and in the afternoon of June 16 after the lunch in the Clipper Ship Room of Chancellor Hotel. First, the attendants introduced themselves. Then, the Sino-Micro Treasure, Xi, Chuanwu, gave a brief report on the progress of the Association registration report.  Sino-Micro has become official in September, 2010. Its non-profit status is in process.  Chuanwu also gave a financial report. A total of 20 members were donated to a sum of $3300, including each $500 donation from the President and the Board Director. It was further discussed on a $50 annual membership fee for the purpose of the sustainability of the Association (see details in the By-Law).  The final draft of By-Law was also discussed; a final draft has been approved by the board and will be sent out soon.  It was also recommended that because the By-Law is approved this year, Wenyuan will officially start his three-year term on July 1st, 2012. During the meeting, the scope of the membership was also discussed. Two types of memberships were recommended, a regular member for Chinese-descent scientists at the PI levels, and an associate member for postdocs and students. Regular members can attend business meetings with the voting right, while associate members can attend scientific meetings.
Future Sino-Micro activities were discussed during the meeting.  Wenyuan suggested that 教育部春晖计划  should be explored. The member also approved to go ahead to sign contact with HOME project.  To promoting further international collaborations, Joe Zhou (周集中) and Yi-Wei, suggested that several organizations were suggested including  Environmental Microbiology Society in China, Microbial Ecology in China, Medical Microbiology in China, and Taiwan  Society of Microbiology.  The president of Taiwan Society of Microbiology, Dr. Wu, also gave a brief introduction about its association and invited the Sino-Micro members to attend the Taiwan night in the evening of June 16.
In the summary section, Wenyuan suggested forming two committees.
1, fund-raising committee, which will be led by Howard Xu to organize a committee;
2, membership committee, which will be led by Frank Yang to organize a committee.

Group photos and other photos can be found here:
On June 16, a total 18 members gave research presentations. Detailed speakers's names and the presentation titles can be found here:    https://sinomicro.org/docs/SinoMicro_SF_Program_June3_2012.pdf

In the evening of June 16, several Sino-Micro members attended the Taiwan Night hosted by Taiwan Microbiology Society. Several colleagues of Taiwan microbiologists were introduced by the president Dr. Wu, Jiunn-Jong to the Sino-Micro members. 


Note: This briefing was summarized and by 杨晓峰(Frank) and approved by the Board of Directors. It was announced to the Sino-Micro email list by 杨晓峰(Frank) on June 25th, 2012.


Our Aim: Promote discovery, exchange, and dissemination of knowledge and ideas
Sino-Micro: Overseas Chinese Society for Microbiology