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Sandbox Demo:

Welcome to our miniTUBA Sandbox Demo system, which allows you to test all the features in miniTUBA using our demo account.

The following projects currently exist in the Sandbox Demo system:

  1. miniTUBA Demo for Clinical Dataset, by miniTUBA team at University of Michigan
  2. miniTUBA Demo No. 2, by miniTUBA team at University of Michigan
  3. test project 3, by test at test
  4. Synthetic Data, by Greg Boggy at University of Michigan
  5. Bioinformatics 800 project, by Peter Woolf and class at University of Michigan
  6. Junguk BIOINFO 800.008, by Junguk Hur at Peter Woolf
  7. Test, by Junguk Hur at U of M
  8. Jeff, by Jeffrey de Wet at University of Michigan
  9. Amanda Project, by Amanda L. Zacharias at University of Michigan
  10. Lab2_Di Ma, by Bioinfo at PIBS
  11. SKH bioinform800.008, by Steven Huang at U of M
  12. Katie, by Katie Hersberger at University of Michigan
  13. Valerie Schaibley, by Valerie Schaibley at University of Michigan
  14. Allred lab, by deWett at UMHS
  15. MjTest, by Marijo at University of Michigan
  16. Mina-Lab2-008, by Jeff de Wet at UMICH
  17. chishan, by peter at U of M
  18. time-series microarray reconstruction, by Lu Dai at UIC
  19. subNET time expression, by Dai at UIC
  20. May 8 tools and technology: Idealized case, by Peter Woolf at Michigan
  21. May 8 tools and technology: noisy data, by Peter Woolf at Michigan
  22. May 8 tools and technology: test cases, by Peter Woolf at Michigan
  23. CNS rat, by James at University
  24. Che466 example, by Peter Woolf at Michigan
  25. CSTR Example, by Chris Muhich at ChemE 466
  26. Learning DBN's in the prediction of cancer survivability, by Ana Sarabando at Universidade do Porto
  27. test, by test at test
  28. 4-node_network, by Joannna at UCSF
  29. test project for water research, by PKU at PKU
  30. Vigas_Excel_Test, by Vigas at Private
  31. Trybo, by bogi at jerusalem

To start the Sandbox Demo, go to the Login page and login with user name "demo@e.d.u" and password "demo".

Please be advised the Sandbox Demo account can only use up to 10 minutes of computation time and up to two computer servers in our multi-server system. Since every one can access this account, the data you input will not be private. To get away from these limits, you should Register and Login using your own account and follow the instructions in the "Research Projects" site.

Have fun. Please let us know if you have any suggestions and comments.


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